1. being able to do things without people telling you "no" you're too pregnant to do that!
2. being able to eat in small portions and be satisfied
3. Not EVER having heartburn in my life
4. Never being uncomfortable while i sleep
5. Never getting up 15 times a night to pee.
6. Being able to bend down to reach things at my feet.
7. Being able to take any medication i needed to make me feel better!
8. Being able to twist and pop my back..or just being able to twist in general
9. Being able to walk at a faster pace than a snail
10. Being able to fit into a gosh darn size 10!
These are a few of the things that i miss. I know i know be grateful that you are pregnant and are having a miracle and yeah i know. but still...i think i took a lot for granted when i wasn't pregnant. maybe thats why i had to get pregnant...i know far fetched huh? oh well. i still miss my old clothes. a lot. and being able to dress up and feel cute once in a while! now i just feel HUGE. i guess rightly so...i am a whale right?? (see previous blog)
OK so this past week has been quite eventful! i was planning on blogging a lot sooner but, as usual, life got in the way!
yesterday I finally broke out of the hospital. Although i DO have to say that it was a little relaxing being in there and just kind of "chillin." but when i got out yesterday it hit me that i hadn't been able to do anything productive for the past 3 days and it all came crashing down. oh well. i sat around again today so OBVIOUSLY i care a lot huh?
so the story of the hospital- i had a kidney infection starting last wednesday and i was given antibiotics..didn't work. So friday i had another scheduled appt and he sent me to the outpatient surgical center to get IV antibiotics....didn't work. Saturday i woke up feeling like i had been run over by a train. I tried to shake it off by making pancakes for the little bro and taking him to get his haircut since he started school today and also i took him to get hotdog musubi and to the underwater museum place that we have downtown here. I guess that was a bad idea. I just hate making him sit at home and watch tv all day when there are more educating things he could be doing OUTSIDE of the house. So i overdid it and came home and was NOT feeling well. So i called the doc and he told me to go into labor and delivery and they would check me out. So i went in and got stuck till yesterday. and of course the whole weekend my contractions were so few. I was so happy i thought maybe the antibiotics cured something and i was ok...nope.. i always think too fast. Last night i suffered from some painful ones!
to make matters worse, a part of our water pump (we are on catchment water cuz we live in the booneys) broke sooooo we had no water. no water + a pregnant contracting woman = not good. soo i just tried to stay hydrated with other things. For once i wanted really badly to take a shower...or even flush the toilet and couldn't!! but thank goodness mark actually did something with himself and went in and got the part and replaced it. So now we have running water again.. I swear. only in hawaii.
Oh i never did tell yall- last friday i went to this breastfeeding class that every pregnant woman on WIC (a really great food supplement program through the government) has to take. So i went in and sat down and in walks this man. I thought it was SUPER strange that a MAN was teaching a breastfeeding class!!! like he had any idea REALLy what he was talking about. THEN he whips out his detachable breasts!!! oh i couldn't stop snickering. i felt like a 5 year old boy sitting there cuz he just kinda kept laughin at me! oh well. it was silly
so lets see. anything else to report....hmm...my cousin steven is coming thursday i'm kinda happy bout that. just to have something else to do and someone else to talk to. I kinda got a little sad after i got out of the hospital just cuz its not like i had anything to get out for! i don't really have any friends here besides my mommy of course and little eddie who i spent hours with in his little pool today. Funny part about that is that i ONLY got sunburned on my feet. and ONLY in the part where my flipflops have made my feet white haha. so it looks like i'm wearing red flipflops. i tan in the weirdest spots i swear. but EDDIE on the other hand got freakin black!!! i'm so jealous! that kid tans like no other! i'll update with some pictures later.
anyway i'm sure there's a lot more i could write about but i'm gonna go take advantage of running water and shower!!
Side Projects
10 months ago