wow so i'm really bad at updating...but i swear i have a valid excuse!! i have possibly THE most ghetto computer in the world and it decides whenever it feels like it to turn off soooo unless i'm near my mom's computer or my sister's i don't get a chance to have uninterrupted time on the computer. Today just happened to be a special day cuz i got to mad at mine so i stomped into katie's disgusting room. i just hope i don't get eaten alive by fleas while i'm in here...
SOOO it doesn't seem like that much has happened in the past month but i guess there has been a lot going on.
I went to maui for a day. that was fun. I was just glad to get home though because I was having contraction ALLLL day long and i was afraid that i was going to have the baby there...good thing i made it home and another 2 weeks farther! ugh.
I had my baby shower last week. That was fun! there was a pretty good turn out and of course all women love to buy baby clothes so i got a ton of clothes for the little one....NO i don't have a name picked out yet..apparently children are supposed to have their own names..i wasn't aware of this fact beforehand...ok. i'm kidding. but names are hard! i have it down to 2 choices so i'll see once he's born what he looks like...unless of course its a girl...then..i don't know what i'm going to do. She's gonna be wearin blue for a while! lol. BUT yeah back to the baby shower. I was really happy to have all those people there to share with me how happy they were for me and my family. It was a fun night. I don't have a lot of good pictures but i'll see what i can do.
I've been kind of boycotting pictures for the past few weeks because my face has decided to be around the same size as my stomach! i swear...people are always saying OH you have ONLY gained in your tummy...nope sorry people...definitely gone to my face. Then i hear of people who have had their baby's and say OH don't worry I was back down to pre-prego weight like 2 weeks after...HA. not gonna happen for me. buuut i can always hope right??
lets i'm almost 37 weeks. Full term! yay! I'm so glad that we made it here cuz the doctor seemed pretty sure that i would have to deliver on oahu...which i actually would have liked more than hilo's icky hospital..but i'm glad that i made it and he's all developed and we're gonna have a healthy baby! now if he would just make his appearance..i'd be even more happy! i go through days where i'm scared out of my mind...wondering what the HECK i'm doing. Then days where i just can't wait to be a mom and meet him. today is an "I can't Wait" kind of day. mostly because I've been having contractions for about a week now and they are super painful and then just stop. so i'm a little frustrated...but he'll come when he's good and ready.
other than waiting for baby, i got all domestic and made a few blankets! the first one is light blue with dark blue and lime green electric guitars with lime green satin edging. It turned out so cute. then the other one is a little pooh bear receiving type blanket. I cant believe i actually was sewing. And of course keeping everything super clean and having this crazy nesting instinct to organize EVERYTHING!!! it makes for a long day when you have a 4 year old behind you pretty much undoing everything that you do! hah. but that's life.
k so i'm dying here in katie's room and i'll try to post soon. If not before baby is here then definitely after! the countdown is on!
here's all the ladies CHEATING at the game we were playing!
I was admiring something....
Little Ethan and the blanket his mommy made for me :)
here is Ashly and her mom. There were FOUR ashley's at my shower!! haha. Ashly is pregnant too :)
my cake. i loved it. it was yuuuummmy
my sis obviously loved it too! lol.
and me in all my 36 week hugeness.
Side Projects
10 months ago